On an impulse, I decided to make my own pizza. No, it wasn't frozen! For some reason, I thought things would be fine. I cannot tell you why I thought this, knowing that success does not come often to me in the kitchen.
After spending too much time fighting the dough (also known as rolling the dough), I had to substitute butter for pizza sauce when I realized we were out of the latter. Don't ask me to rationalize that choice. But I kept my chin up, overlooked these challenges, sprinkled some cheese, and moved on to the can of olives.
I was fairly certain I knew how to use a can opener. However, my first few attempts made me start to doubt myself. Try as I might, this can would not be opened from the top.
I soldiered on and decided that if the top of the can was going to be so stubborn, then fine! I would go through the bottom. I am smarter than this can! And when the can opener produced the same results a second time, I proved this to be true with the help of a a steak knife... And I won!
For those of you with similar struggles, just follow these simple steps below.