Today I came into the classroom to find our beloved class pet, Fiddlesticks Marvin Hatcher, on his back, eyes closed, hands and feet up in the air. Sometime over the weekend the poor little mouse met his end, most likely due to the freezing cold temperature of my classroom. That's what I told the kids at least. I'm mostly sure I gave him enough food for the weekend.
My students fell in love with him instantly. According to Robert, his cage smelled "like soup, and kind of like noodles." I thought it smelled like shit, but these kids didn't mind.
I loved to watch the kids interact with Fiddlesticks. They were fascinated by him. It was funny how much they didn't know about mice and how animals work! When I let Jacob hold Fiddlesticks, he freaked out because he thought the mouse was biting him. He ran screaming to the sink to wash the germs off his hands. I told Jacob that Fiddlesticks wasn't biting him, and he replied, "But I felt it vibrating!"
"Actually, Jakey, that was just his feet walking," I yelled over his nervous laughter and squeals.
His response to that? He stopped screaming and hyperventilating and said in a calm voice, "Oh."
This afternoon we had a memorial service for Fiddlesticks, and each student got to make a speech. The general consensus is that we are thankful for the company that Fiddlesticks gave us, and we are sad that he died "so young." We thought he was so cute that we will even miss how annoying it was when he would run in his wheel all day long.