30 October 2011

second chances

I'm giving facebook a second chance (actually technically this is more like its sixth chance). Mostly this is because I want to have Pinterest (you can follow me here, but don't get too excited, it's all teaching stuff).

I don't really know how I come across to people on facebook. I always wonder what my facebook stalkers think when they see things about me on it. But here's what I think when I look at it:

I love my life.

11 October 2011

how i keep my sanity

Working a sixty hour week is no joke (hence the recent lack of posts). But, I love my job because I laugh everyday. For example...

Dominic: Uhh, Miss Hatcher?

Me: Not right now Dominic, we're doing a reading group. Go to your seat and raise your hand.

Dominic: But I have a question.

Me: Then go to your seat and raise your hand.

Dominic: But it's about reading.

Me: Then you need to wait.

Dominic: But... do you have my reading envelope?

Me: No.

Dominic: Dang it. I'm grounded.

14 September 2011

a magical night

Somehow, the Fleet Foxes ethereal sound takes my mind to the most peaceful yet wildly exciting place. Contradictory? Perhaps. But it was by far the best concert I have ever been to, and the geometric patterns in the background took it to another level.

08 September 2011

same here

I read this today and completely identified with it...

Gosh, some things really just are better with my girlfriends (usually most things). Add champagne (or wine!) and there's probably nowhere else I'd rather be.

22 August 2011


One of my favorite things about life is going out of town for a break from it. It makes me feel alive all over again.

Palm Springs: Where you can really only read and sip on a drink for about 10 minutes before you have to jump in the pool due to extreme heat.

Eating In-N-Out on the ground outside the movie theatre in Long Beach, because when you're with Kirsten, everything is spur-of-the-moment and awesome.

Out on the lake in Minnesota. And yes, I took a turn in the driver's seat. (Is that what it's called in a boat?)

San Francisco: Dinner...

dancing (with whistles - best idea ever)

...and brunch in the morning. 

Next up: School, starting Wednesday. But I'm taking my summer mindset as far into the fall as I possibly can.

10 August 2011

my moh speech

... in case you want to know how it's done by a pro.

"I put off writing this little toast up until the last minute; I think because I knew that once I did, this would all feel real to me. Not that that's a bad thing; it just makes me a little teary. I guess I've always felt like Kim belonged to me  - like she was mine. Maybe that's what happens when your parents bring home a little baby from the hospital. I must have felt like, 'Hey, I just got a little baby!' Sisters are a pretty big deal in our family, and Kim was my first experience with that. She was my sister before she was anyone else's...

25 July 2011


Maybe it's not a word, but it perfectly describes things lately.

Summer is perfect - the best feeling in the world - and here's why...