11 October 2011

how i keep my sanity

Working a sixty hour week is no joke (hence the recent lack of posts). But, I love my job because I laugh everyday. For example...

Dominic: Uhh, Miss Hatcher?

Me: Not right now Dominic, we're doing a reading group. Go to your seat and raise your hand.

Dominic: But I have a question.

Me: Then go to your seat and raise your hand.

Dominic: But it's about reading.

Me: Then you need to wait.

Dominic: But... do you have my reading envelope?

Me: No.

Dominic: Dang it. I'm grounded.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like my college students, except they don't say they get grounded; they just get "effed." In more ways than one!
