17 November 2010

let there be light

This long school day is finally over!
Alex trips on his shoelace on the way out the door and cries when he falls, but I pick him up and say, "Good thing your mom is going to be here soon, huh?" This makes us both happy.
3:00 - 3:15
Students hang on me while they wait for their parents to pick them up (one is crying).
The objective is to grade papers and organize shelves in classroom. The reality is I eat a chocolate covered pretzel and decide to start a blog.
3:15 - 4:00
Social hour with Megan, who teaches 5th grade.
4:00 - 5:00
Create blog while mentally adding about seventy items to my work-related to-do list.
The hard work is done! Time to go home, eat a sandwich, then consider getting to those papers...


  1. oh lessy lou lou.....! This sounds so typical. You haven't changed one bit.

    i love you! (Kirsten says she does too)

  2. 6:00 Get a missed phone call from kier
    6:15 Send kier a fb message saying to call back
    6:17 Kier calls again and you pick up : )
