08 February 2011

the highlight of my weekend

was actually not the Super Bowl, even though it is one of my favorite American holidays and I was feeling pretty good after three beers.

The highlight of my weekend was hanging out with seahorses at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Three things I learned:
1. Seahorses dance together! Probably to salsa music I think.
2. After they mate (for life!), the males give birth to seahorse babies.
3. Dwarf seahorses are so cute!


  1. Did you take those pictures?

    I want a pet seahorse!

  2. i wish i took them. but i was so annoyed with how everyone at the aquarium just seemed to be there to take pictures. no one was living in the moment and enjoying the animals. so i refused to take pictures.

  3. Did you play the seahorse game? And live? Because I did. First try. I beat all those six year olds. No one can beat me!
