10 March 2011

molding young minds

Today I decided to inspire my students with a few half-truths.

During math time, I didn't have anything except dried lima beans to demonstrate how to multiply by three. So I told my students the beans were magic beans. They bought it and LOVED it and begged me to let them take one home.

Then, when I noticed that a few of my kids have been slacking during journal writing time, I told them that if they didn't write in their journals, they wouldn't become good writers, and that only good writers can go to college. One student literally responded by saying, "Ooh, I want to go to college; I'm going to college; I'm gonna write."


  1. You are such a manipulator! Nice work, though.

  2. hello! i wish you were my teacher. however, mine is letting me post a comment! love you
